Salary of AI Engineers

Average Salary:

Average salary of an AI Engineer in Chennai is ranges from INR 6,00,000 to INR 18,00,000 per annum based on experience, skills, and the hiring company.

Experience Wise Salary Trend:

Less than 1 year: INR 6,00,000

1-3 Years: INR 8,00,000

4-6 Years: INR 12,00,000

7-9 Years: INR 15,00,000

10+ Years: INR 18,00,000

AI Engineer Jobs in Chennai

Chennai, a city that provides the platform for technology and innovation, provides AI Engineers with exciting working options. Therefore, These experts are essential for coming up with and rolling out solutions for using AI in different industries. This article will examine the AI engineer job demography of Chennai considering AI companies that hire, online job portals, salaries, and seniority trends.

Major roles and responsibilities of AI engineers involve:

  • Crafting and constructing machine learning models and algorithm design.
  • The incorporation of artificial intelligence solutions as a way to address business issues and improve processes via AI.
  • Data collecting and preparation to allow for training the machine learning algorithms.
  • Developing machine learning models with high accuracy, good performance, and warranting scalability.
  • The cooperation with the team of data scientists and business experts to capture needs.
  • Model training and model verification via application of real-world data sets.

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