Rydberg Formula

What is the Rydberg formula?

The Rydberg formula predicts the wavelength of light produced by an electron moving between atomic energy levels. Each element has a unique spectral fingerprint.

What is R in Rydberg formula?

R is Rydberg constant whose value is equal to [1.0973731568539(55) × 107 m-1]

What is formula of Rydberg Formula?

The formula for Rydberg Formula is [Tex]\bar{v}     [/Tex] = 1/λ = R(1/n12 – 1/n22)

Rydberg Formula: Formula, Proof and Solved Examples

The Rydberg formula predicts the wavelength of light produced by an electron moving between atomic energy levels. Each element has a unique spectral fingerprint. When an element’s gaseous state is heated, light is produced. When this light passes through a prism or a diffraction grating, bright lines of various hues can be discerned. In some manner, each element stands out from the rest. Spectroscopic studies began with this discovery. The Rydberg formula will be discussed in-depth in this article.

The Rydberg formula is a mathematical formula for calculating the wavelength of light emitted by an electron moving between the energy levels of an atom. When an electron goes from one atomic orbital to the next, its energy fluctuates. When an electron shift from a high-energy orbital to a lower-energy orbital, a photon of light is created.

A photon of light is absorbed by the atom when an electron moves from a low-energy to a higher-energy state. The Rydberg Formula can be used to compute various elements’ spectra.

Rydberg Formula

The Rydberg Formula is used to calculate the spectra of various elements. It is written as

[Tex]\bar{v}     [/Tex] = 1/λ = R(1/n12 – 1/n22)


  • n1 and n2 are integers (n1 < n2),
  • λ = Wavelength of photon,
  • R = Rydberg constant [1.0973731568539(55) × 107 m-1].

We’ll deal with hydrogen in most cases, which allows us to employ the formula:

[Tex]\bar{v}     [/Tex] = 1/λ = RH(1/n12 – 1/n22)


  • n1 and n2 are integers (n1 < n2),
  • λ = Wavelength of photon,
  • RH = Rydberg constant due to hydrogen [1.0973731568539(55) × 107 m-1].

[Tex]\bar{v}     [/Tex] = 1/λ = 1.0974 × 107(1/n12 – 1/n22)

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