Russian Relations with Other Neighboring Countries

Georgia, Moldova and the Baltic States are representative of this crisis. Russia’s Relations with other Neighboring Countries as for instance Georgia, Moldova and the Baltic countries are also shaped by certain historical legacies, geopolitical positioning as well as different perspectives which are set within these countries.

1. Condition in Georgia

In Georgia, however, the relation between Russia and the Georgian government remains since the 2008 Russia-Georgia War. The peace settlement has not been followed by rule of law and security, which have been strengthened by the democratic reform process. The decision made by Russia to acknowledge Abkhazia and South Ossetia as closed regions has worsened the situation Russia and Georgia have, where the latter wants to be part of the European institutions. This describes the Russian Relation with Georgia.

2. Condition in Moldova

Moldova has its own set of conundrums as far as its relationship with Russia is concerned, of which the split referred to as Transnistria is the most important. Russia solving the Transnistrian issue is viewed by Moldova as a vital element in establishing its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The three Russian states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have made quite an attempt to pull closer to the West. 

The institutions Western countries are strongly attached to include NATO and the EU, and of course, Russia is highly unhappy about this process. Russia-Baltics tensions have mounted over these days due to Russia appearing to interfere in Baltic matters and its military provocations flared up close to the Baltic airspace and waters. This describes the Russian Relation with Moldova.

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Russian Relations with Neighboring Countries

Russian Relations with Neighboring Countries: Russia was known earlier from 1922 to 1991 as the Soviet Union. Over the years, it was governed by the communist party of the Soviet Union. Russia is also a part of the Security Council in the United Nations. It has a VETO power. Geographically, Russia is the largest nation in the world, and the origin of Marxism and communism evolved from the Soviet Union (Russia). 

In 1991, their leader Mikhail Gorbachev officially dissolved the Soviet Union which resulted in 14 different nations such as Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, etc. one of the coldest places on earth- Siberia is also situated in Russia. Siberian tigers which are the most ferocious and comparatively bigger in the cat family are also found in Siberia.

In this article, we shall deal with Russian Relations with Neighboring Countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, etc.

Table of Content

  • Facts About The Country – Russia
  • Geopolitical Impact of Russian Relations with Neighboring Countries
  • Russian Relations with Other Neighboring Countries

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Russian Relations with Other Neighboring Countries

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