Routing TO Consumer

Routing may be accomplished by using the RoutingFunction, which is provided in Spring Cloud Function 3.0. All you have to do is activate it using the application parameter – or give the

Message headers

Message header means passing some message or value to the header. By setting the header to value “even” and “odd” will end up routing request to either odd or even functions.


public class GFGApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Start the Spring Boot application with Cloud Stream function routing enabled, "");
    // Bean definition for handling even numbers
    public Consumer<String> evenConsumer() {
        return value -> {
            // Print a message indicating that the value is even
            System.out.println("EVEN: " + value);
    // Bean definition for handling odd numbers
    public Consumer<String> oddConsumer() {
        return value -> {
            // Print a message indicating that the value is odd
            System.out.println("ODD: " + value);

Application properties

It is possible to send the or as application properties[‘type’] is one example.


public class RoutingStreamApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Start the Spring Boot application with a routing expression for determining even or odd,
                        + "T(java.lang.System).nanoTime() % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'");
    // Bean definition for handling even numbers
    public Consumer<Integer> evenConsumer() {
        return value -> {
            // Print a message indicating that the value is even
            System.out.println("EVEN: " + value);
    // Bean definition for handling odd numbers
    public Consumer<Integer> oddConsumer() {
        return value -> {
            // Print a message indicating that the value is odd
            System.out.println("ODD: " + value);

Spring Cloud Stream – Event Routing

Spring Cloud Stream Event Routing is the ability to route events to a specific event subscriber or a specific destination. Routes ‘TO’ and ‘FROM’ will be used here. Using the Spring Cloud Stream architecture, developers may create extremely scalable event-driven microservices that are integrated with common messaging platforms. With support for persistent pub/sub semantics, consumer groups, and stateful partitions, among other features, the framework offers a versatile programming paradigm that is based on well-known and established Spring idioms and best practices.

Dependencies to Spring Cloud Stream

First, we must add the appropriate binder implementation library in our application before we can activate Spring Cloud Stream. The spring-cloud-stream-binder-rabbit artifact is required as we are connecting with RabbitMQ. There are no further dependencies that need to be included because it references all other necessary libraries.


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Routing TO Consumer

Routing may be accomplished by using the RoutingFunction, which is provided in Spring Cloud Function 3.0. All you have to do is activate it using the application parameter – or give the

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