Round 1: Online Round

Part – 1: Technical and Non-Technical MCQs

The First Round consisted of MCQ questions on an array of topics. Ranging from Numerical Ability to Logical Reasoning, English Comprehension, Synonyms, Antonyms, Voice Change, Narration Change etc. A total of 30 MCQ questions were given in this section, out of which those who got at least 20 right, were selected.

Other than that it also consisted of technical MCQs which consisted of pseudo-codes, Data Structure and Algorithm questions, Computer Networking, Cloud Computing, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, etc. A total of 45 questions were given in this section. Those who got at least 70% of marks from this section along with the previous section were selected. The emphasis was on the Technical MCQ section, which is why the number of questions was higher. Apart from that, those who scored more than 80% combined, were allowed to sit for the next round. This is an Elimination Round.

Part – 2: Game-Based Aptitude

The next round was a Game Based Aptitude round. Here the candidates were given 4 games to play at random, out of 24 games. We needed to get as much score as possible in the stipulated time, some of the games didn’t have any exact correct answers, and some were based on puzzles. Overall this round checks the speed and accuracy of the candidate. The difficulty level of each game increased based on the performance of the candidate in the previous level. During my try, I received the following 4 games –

  • Grid Challenge
  • Switch Challenge
  • Inductive Logical Thinking
  • Digit Challenge

Each challenge had different time limits, we had to complete as many levels as possible. This is the hardest round of the Online Round as the games are given as randomly and we don’t have a limited number of questions. This is an Elimination Round. Most of the students got eliminated in this round even after performing well in the previous round.

Part – 3: Behavioral Round

This is the last part of the Online MCQ Question Round. This was a Behavioral Round which consisted of a total of 100 questions and there was no time limit given. The questions of this round were solely designed to understand the characteristics of the candidate. I can’t provide any suggestions for this round as the questions can be anything. The only thing I can suggest is to answer honestly, as there is no correct answer. But based on those answers the characteristics of the candidate will be judged.

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Today I will discuss my Capgemini Interview Experience for the Differential Analysts position.

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