Round 3: Google Meet Interview with Software developer – 6 yrs experience: 60 min

The interview was of the same pattern as Round 2. I did not have any time to prepare as I got a call 15 min before the interview while I was writing an Online test for another company.

  • The same standard question on DSA, OS and DBMS
  • Questions on Semaphores, Shared and Exclusive locks were asked. I forgot the name Semaphore but answered the properties.
  • Clustered and clustered Index in DBMS was asked. ( Just the basic property and why we use them )
  • Heap time complexity was asked. He also asked what would be the time complexity to form a heap with a given sorted array. I did not answer it.
  • Coding question:
    Given a string S of opening and closing parenthesis. You can form two strings A and B where each character of S belongs to either A or B in the same order. How many such possibilities are there was the question?

Example: S = ()()(()) A = () B = ()(()) , A = ()()(()) B = etc.,
We have to say how many possibilities are there.
I would try to write a separate article for it later. I solved the question from O(n^3) and improvised to O(n^2). In both rounds, I was asked to code in Google Docs.

Result: I was confident that I would get a call for the next round as the Interview went well according to me. Also, I had other interviews with Zomato, and Mathworks the next day, so was not prepared for anything particularly. Interview Experience for SDE – 1 visited our campus placements with 3 Rounds of interviews.

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