Round 2: Communication Round

After this round, almost 20% of students were left. We were given 48 hours to complete the Communication Round from 5 December to 7 December 2023. Now, this round is not eliminatory. But, to move ahead with your candidature, you must participate in this test.

It comprises 6 sections- Listening, Speaking, Q/A, Rephrasing sentences, Story Telling, and answering an open-ended question. All these sections were very easy and if you know basic English, you will be able to move forward without any problems.

Please Note: You must use a good-quality headphone and a mic for your communication round. Even the slightest sound from your mic can disrupt your round, and you will not be able to move forward. In my case, I used a Bluetooth headphone. I was able to hear the sound coming from their end, but my mic was not enabled in their software and my voice was not going into their interface. Because of this, I had to restart the test several times. My advice for you is to not use Bluetooth headphones, instead, use speakers with lead or simply your laptop’s speaker and mic.

Accenture Interview Experience For ASE (On-Campus) 2024

Hey everyone!

Today, I’ll be telling you about my interview experience with Accenture for the role of Associate Software Engineer as a part of my on-campus hiring process.

So, Accenture visited our college in November end last year. There were openings for two roles – ASE and FSE. The interview process for both the roles was same, and in the end, it was up to the interviewer to recommend us for FSE roles.

Eligibility Criteria: No active back-logs, CGPA > 7.5, valid PAN card

Read on to learn about the hiring process:

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