Round 3 (45 minutes)

  • Explained a feature development process from a current internship, highlighting challenges with unclear requirements.
  • Discussed examples of unclear requirements and disagreements with stakeholders on approach

Technical Question: Given a 2D array, sort it in O(1) space complexity, demonstrating algorithmic thinking.

Overall, the interview process involved technical challenges, behavioral questions, and discussions on collaboration and problem-solving. The interviewers varied in their approach, with some focusing more on optimization and technical depth, while others were more supportive and focused on understanding thought processes. Received an offer within 10 days of the interview via email. Interviews are like conversations between smartest minds, where ideas and experiences are shared to create meaningful connections and insights

Tip: Be authentic in sharing your motivations and aspirations, and demonstrate enthusiasm for the company’s goals.

Microsoft Interview Experienec for SWE UK May 2024 [Offer]

Experience: 1.5 years as a Software Development Engineer (SDE) in India

Interview Month: April 2024

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