Round-1 (Technical)


Programming language- JAVA

Estimated Time -30 min

  1. What is M.V.C?
  2. What is Spring MVC?
  3. What is Servlet?
  4. What is an A.P.I.?
  5. What is the difference between REST and SOAP?
  6. What is the difference between error and exception with examples?
  7. What is an Interface?
  8. What is Synchronisation?
  9. What are the features of Java? Is it a purely platform-independent language?
  10. Describe the Pillars of OOPS.
  11. Can a final method be overridden in Java?
  12. What is deadlock?
  13. Does Java support Multi or Multiple inheritance?
  14. How many values can a method return?
  15. What is JRE and JVM?
  16. What are services? How many types of services are present?
  17. What are the annotations used in Springboot?
  18. What is Autowiring?
  19. What is the difference between throw and throws keyword?


Language-SQL(Structured Query Language)

Estimated Time -30 min

  1. What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
  2. What is the difference between stored procedure and Trigger?
  3. What is the difference between a user-defined function and a stored procedure?
  4. List the aggregate functions in SQL.
  5. Define ACID properties in SQL.
  6. What is a View? Can we update View? what is the materialised view?
  7. What is a Transaction?
  8. What are the constraints that can be added in SQL?
  9. Difference between the Primary key and a unique key?
  10. How many values can be null in a table in a unique key?
  11. What is Injection?

NJ Group Interview Experience For System Analyst

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Round-1 (Technical)


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