Round-01 (Online Assessment- Aptitude + Coding)

  1. It consists of two rounds internally, the first one was the aptitude + technical MCQS and the other one was coding. Only if you clear the first round you will be allowed for the coding round. Aptitude consists of logical + verbal + quants.
  2. Technical MCQS consists of computer science fundamentals / MS – Office / Cloud and Networking. There was also a section consisting of pseudo- codes and you need to find their outputs.
  3. Coding questions were easy / medium (depends upon the person too, I felt them easy). We have 45 minutes to solve them. You have to write the code from scratch. Also, some people have problems based on dynamic programming as well.
  4. Also, you can see just two test cases, hidden test cases aren’t visible nor do you know how many of them are failing/ Passing. So do think of edge cases as well.

The Coding questions asked to me were:

Question – 01: Given two integers x and y , find the count of numbers that ends with either 2 , 5, or 7.

Question – 02: Given an array of integers you have sort them according to their number of set bits and return them.

Note: The questions were different for different people.


  1. If you are done early do close the test and come back. Time also matters. The ones who solved both too didn’t get selected for next round since they took almost full time. I solved both of them in just 20 minutes and came back.
  2. Do practice a lot for aptitude and pseudo codes. You can refer to indiabix, preinstall or GFG articles for that.
  3. While coding do think of edge cases and constraints as well.

Results were instantly sent through WhatsApp by Accenture and you proceeded to another round, also you will get results from your PAT team. A total of 300 students were selected for the next round.

Accenture Interview Experience for Advance Application Engineer Analyst (On-Campus)

Accenture came to our campus Vellore Institute of Technology in July 2023 end offering a Super Dream FTE. After registering we had our exam in August after 10-15 days of registration. Almost all the ones who are eligible are allowed to take the test. Almost 5000+ students from all four campuses of VIT appeared for the test.

Eligibility: All Branches, CGPA 6.5+, 65% in boards.

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