Risks of Biometric Authentication

1. Can Be Hacked: Cybercriminals have the potential to breach biometric data held by companies; if this happens, biometrics cannot be replaced as a password as these are physical characteristics.

2. Partial Matches: During the authentication process, most systems use partial biometric data (like part of a fingerprint) for convenience rather than the entire biometric collected during enrolment.

3. Failed Recognition: Facial recognition may not work if you change your appearance by wearing glasses, or makeup or changing your expression since it matches the original setup photo.

4. Bias: Many biometric systems were trained mostly on white male faces, so they may have more difficulty accurately recognizing women and other people of color.

5. Privacy Concerns: There is the worry that firms share biometric information with governments or others without user approval thus enabling surveillance.

6. Data Storage: Biometric data must be highly secured because once compromised fingerprints or irises cannot be altered as passwords do.

What is Biometric Authentication?

Biometric authentication is a way to prove who you are by using parts of your body like your fingerprints, face, or eyes. It’s very difficult for someone else to copy or steal your biometrics like fingerprints. Passwords can be hacked, guessed, or stolen more easily. This article focuses on authentication techniques with the help of biometric systems and their various types.

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Risks of Biometric Authentication

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Biometrics prove who you are using body traits like fingerprints. Very hard to fake or steal. Secure way to access accounts and places instead of passwords. But biometric data must be really well-protected since you can’t change your fingerprints. Biometric authentication is convenient as you don’t need to remember passwords. It is widely used on phones, at borders, hospitals and secure facilities. Overall, biometrics offer a reliable identity verification method if implemented properly with strong data protection measures....

Frequently Asked Questions on Biometric Authenticaton – FAQs

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