Rights of an Unpaid Seller

Who is an unpaid seller?

A seller is considered an unpaid seller when the seller has not been paid the full price or the buyer of the goods has failed to make the payment.

When does the unpaid seller have the right to stop the goods in transit?

The unpaid seller has the right to stop the goods in transit when the buyer becomes insolvent.

Under what circumstances may an unpaid seller exercise the right of re-sale?

i. when the goods are of perishable nature.

ii. When the seller gives notice to the buyer expressing his intention to re-sale and the buyer does not within a reasonable time pay the price for the goods.

Give an example of an unpaid seller.

X sold goods to Y worth ₹1,000, but Y refused to pay. On refusal, X will be treated as an unpaid seller for the amount due to Y.

In which cases the seller loses the right of lien?

  • Delivery of the goods has been made to the buyer from the seller.
  • Delivery of the goods has been made to the carrier.
  • Tender of price by the buyer.

Rights of Unpaid Seller : Sale of Goods Act 1930

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Rights of an Unpaid Seller- FAQs

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