
The responsibilities of a research intern at the International Institute of Information Technology included the following:

  • Assisting various research scholars in their respective studies or projects.
  • Writing Python code to perform specific operations essential for the uniformity of data sets.
  • Using various APIs and third-party libraries to optimize the pre-existing codes.
  • Attend various talks about the current research topics.
  • Presenting various research papers and implementing it.

In the initial days, I did face a bit of difficulty in communicating with others and it affected my work but the welcoming nature of people there helped me get over it. The trainers were very friendly and flexible about our issues and made sure that we did not face any problems during our stay. The overall experience was good and I would recommend everyone to try to be a part of this in the common years.

IIIT Hyderabad Internship Experience

I worked as a summer research intern at the International Institute of Information Technology located in Hyderabad Telangana. The complete journey was full of various learning experiences. The overall experience was nice but the journey has its ups and downs. The first day was a bit boring and not as eventful as the rest as it was full of administrative work regarding the accommodation, food, and various facilities that were going to be provided. It took me a bit to make some friends as everyone was extremely busy and hyper-focused on making a good first impression but soon after the awkwardness had passed everyone was very kind and welcoming.

During the course of my internship at the International Institute of Information Technology the professors and research staff were extremely supportive and encountering, and they pushed each one of us to achieve great heights. They helped each one of us personally to find our own area or field of interest and let us work on it. The guidance of the professors was extremely useful and they did their part with almost grace by pointing out our mistakes and helping us improve them.

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The responsibilities of a research intern at the International Institute of Information Technology included the following:...

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