Reserved Words in Java

Any programming language reserves some words to represent functionalities defined by that language. These words are called reserved words. They can be briefly categorized into two parts: keywords(50) and literals(3). Keywords define functionalities and literals define value. Identifiers are used by symbol tables in various analyzing phases(like lexical, syntax, and semantic) of a compiler architecture. 

abstract continue for protected transient
Assert Default Goto public Try
Boolean Do If Static throws
break double implements strictfp Package
byte else import super Private
case enum Interface Short switch
Catch Extends instanceof return void
Char Final Int synchronized volatile
class finally long throw Date
const float Native This while

Note: The keywords const and goto are reserved, even though they are not currently used. In place of const, the final keyword is used. Some keywords like strictfp are included in later versions of Java.

Java Identifiers

In Java, identifiers are used for identification purposes. Java Identifiers can be a class name, method name, variable name, or label. 

Example of Java Identifiers

public class Test
public static void main(String[] args)
int a = 20;

In the above Java code, we have 5 identifiers namely :  

  • Test: class name.
  • main: method name.
  • String: predefined class name.
  • args: variable name.
  • a: variable name.

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Reserved Words in Java

Any programming language reserves some words to represent functionalities defined by that language. These words are called reserved words. They can be briefly categorized into two parts: keywords(50) and literals(3). Keywords define functionalities and literals define value. Identifiers are used by symbol tables in various analyzing phases(like lexical, syntax, and semantic) of a compiler architecture....

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