
To run tensorflow servings, you need to have Ubuntu or docker. DO NOT TRY TO INSTALL APT-GET AS IT WILL NOT WORK, TRY DOCKER INSTEAD FOR YOUR OS.

On Ubuntu

On your machine, run the following command to add packages to apt repository:

!echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable tensorflow-model-server tensorflow-model-server-universal" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tensorflow-serving.list && \
curl | sudo apt-key add -

Install TensorFlow Serving

$ wget ''
$ dpkg -i tensorflow-model-server_2.8.0_all.deb
$ pip3 install tensorflow-serving-api==2.8.0

Serving a TensorFlow Model

TensorFlow Serving stands as a versatile and high-performance system tailored for serving machine learning models in production settings. Its primary objective is to simplify the deployment of novel algorithms and experiments while maintaining consistent server architecture and APIs. While it seamlessly integrates with TensorFlow models, TensorFlow Serving’s adaptability also enables the service to be expanded for serving diverse model types and data beyond TensorFlow.

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To run tensorflow servings, you need to have Ubuntu or docker. DO NOT TRY TO INSTALL APT-GET AS IT WILL NOT WORK, TRY DOCKER INSTEAD FOR YOUR OS....

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