
The reproduction in slime moulds is of primitive type. The nuclei present in the plasmodia contain two sets of chromosomes. When this organism is exposed to the sunlight, the plasmodium forms a short stalk with a minute mushroom-like cap. the nuclei in the stalks undergo meiosis and chromosomes are reshuffled and the nucleus divide forming spores that are haploid (i.e. just one set of chromosome). These fruiting bodies are called sporangia

Forming these spore capsules is deadly for slime moulds causing the end of the organism but these spores are spread with the help of wind and germinate in damp places. The spores hatch into an amoeba and propagate by engulfing the bacteria around them, they further reproduce by dividing into two mitotically. The amoeba is actually gametes or sex cells. Mostly there are two types of gametes, one is big and immovable and the other is small with flagella for movement. But in this case, slime moulds have similar types of gametes with the same size and shape, this is called isogamy

When two amoebae with compatible mating cells meet, their gametes merge and their nuclei fuse. After fusion, the nuclei go from haploid to diploid. After this process, the nucleus stops dividing and the cell expands and forms a new plasmodium. 

Slime Moulds

All the living organisms on earth are grouped together according to their similarities, dissimilarities and phylogenetic order. The scientific method of arranging organisms into different groups and subgroups is known as biological classification. Classification of organisms is important as it helps in identifying new organisms. The study of every organism is not possible so they are divided into separate groups and selective organisms of the group are studied which gives sufficient information about the group. A better understanding of relationships among different groups of organisms. 

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Slime Moulds



The reproduction in slime moulds is of primitive type. The nuclei present in the plasmodia contain two sets of chromosomes. When this organism is exposed to the sunlight, the plasmodium forms a short stalk with a minute mushroom-like cap. the nuclei in the stalks undergo meiosis and chromosomes are reshuffled and the nucleus divide forming spores that are haploid (i.e. just one set of chromosome). These fruiting bodies are called sporangia....

Life Cycle


General Characteristics of Slime Moulds

The slime moulds are found creeping on debris, decaying on twigs or leaves, in soil, on tree canopies and moist found on the tree, on the forest floor, and in cold and dark conditions.  The protoplast is not surrounded by a cell wall in the vegetative phase. They lack chlorophyll and are saprophytic, they feed on microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and yeasts, and decompose dead organic matter. Few slime moulds are parasitic and they are found in the roots of cabbage and other plants of the Brassicaceae family.  The plasmodial stage is similar to protozoa and fruiting bodies form spores similar to fungi. The cell wall of spores is made up of cellulose and is resistant to adverse conditions. They can survive for many years....

Economic Importance of Slime Moulds

Slime moulds are responsible for the decay and decomposition of the organic matter in the soil. This increases the nutrient level in the soil.  The colour obtained from the slime moulds has artistic value.  The plasmodium obtained from slime moulds is an excellent material for the study of the structure and physiology of protoplasm....

FAQs on Slime Mould

Question 1: State a few characteristics of Slime moulds...

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