Removing Non-Numeric Labels


# Remove the non-numeric column (Gene names) temporarily
gene_names <- gene_data$Gene
gene_data <- gene_data[, -1]


 Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5
1     2.3     2.1     2.2     2.4     2.0
2     1.8     1.7     1.9     1.6     1.5
3     3.2     3.0     3.1     3.3     3.4
4     0.9     1.0     0.8     0.7     0.6
5     2.5     2.4     2.6     2.3     2.7
  • In many datasets, the first column often contains labels or identifiers, such as gene names or sample IDs. These non-numeric columns are essential for understanding the data but can interfere with mathematical operations like distance calculations.
  • To perform distance calculations correctly, we need to exclude these non-numeric columns. In this code, we store the gene names in the variable ‘gene_names’ for later use and remove the non-numeric column from the ‘gene_data DataFrame’.
  • Removing the non-numeric column temporarily allows us to calculate distances without interference from these labels.

Creating Heatmaps with Hierarchical Clustering

Before diving into our actual topic, let’s have an understanding of Heatmaps and Hierarchical Clustering.

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Understanding Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering is a powerful data analysis technique used to uncover patterns, relationships, and structures within a dataset. It belongs to the family of unsupervised machine learning algorithms and is particularly useful in exploratory data analysis and data visualization. Hierarchical Clustering is often combined with heatmap visualizations, as demonstrated in this article, to provide a comprehensive understanding of complex datasets....

Getting Started

Before diving into the code, ensure you have the necessary packages installed. We’ll use the ‘ pheatmap ‘ package for heatmap visualization and ‘dendextend’ for dendrogram customization. If you haven’t already installed them, run the following commands:...

Load the required packages:


Preparing Your Data

R library(pheatmap) library(dendextend)...

Removing Non-Numeric Labels


Calculating Distances and Performing Hierarchical Clustering

For our demonstration, let’s consider a hypothetical gene expression dataset. It’s crucial to have data with clear patterns or relationships to create meaningful heatmaps. Replace this example data with your own dataset as needed....

Generating Distinct Heatmaps:


Euclidean Distance Heatmap:

R # Remove the non-numeric column (Gene names) temporarily gene_names <- gene_data$Gene gene_data <- gene_data[, -1] print(gene_data)...

Manhattan Distance Heatmap:


Pearson Correlation Distance Heatmap:

To create meaningful heatmaps, we first calculate distances between data points using various methods. In this case, we’ll use Euclidean, Manhattan, and Pearson correlation distances....



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