Relation of Resistance and Resistivity

As our previous analogy of resistance, where resistance is analogous to the water. The resistance in the flow of water is directly proportional to the length (the longer the pipe harder to pump water through it)of the pipe and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the pipe (the wider the pipe, the more water can flow through it), similarly, resistance offered by a conductor is directly proportional to the length of conductor and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the conductor.


Thus, the resistance of the conductor is given by, 

R ∝ l/A

R = ρl/A

where, R is Resistance

l is length of wire

A is cross sectional area of wire

ρ is Resistivity


Resistance is the physical property of the material which opposes the current flow in the circuit whereas resistivity is the intrinsic property that helps us understand the relation between the dimension of the substance and the resistance offered by it. 

In this article, we will learn about Resistance, Resistivity, how resistance and resistivity are related to each other, the difference between resistance and resistivity, and others in detail.

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