Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for CartPole Balancing

  1. Initialize the Environment: Start by setting up the CartPole environment, which simulates a pole balanced on a cart.
  2. Build the Policy Network: Create a neural network to predict action probabilities based on the environment’s state.
  3. Collect Episode Data: For each episode, run the agent through the environment to collect states, actions, and rewards.
  4. Compute Discounted Rewards: Apply discounting to the rewards to prioritize immediate over future rewards.
  5. Calculate Policy Gradient: Use the collected data to compute gradients that can improve the policy.
  6. Update the Policy: Adjust the neural network weights based on the gradients to teach the agent better actions.
  7. Repeat: Continue through many episodes, gradually improving the agent’s performance.

Reinforcement Learning using PyTorch

Reinforcement learning using PyTorch enables dynamic adjustment of agent strategies, crucial for navigating complex environments and maximizing rewards. The article aims to demonstrate how PyTorch enables the iterative improvement of RL agents by balancing exploration and exploitation to maximize rewards. The article introduces PyTorch’s suitability for Reinforcement Learning (RL), emphasizing its dynamic computation graph and ease of implementation for training agents in environments like CartPole.

Table of Content

  • Reinforcement Learning with PyTorch
  • Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for CartPole Balancing
  • Implementing Reinforcement Learning using PyTorch

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