Regulation of Cardiac Activity

The atrioventricular node (AV node) and sinoatrial node (SA node) nodal tissues automatically control the normal action of the human heart, which is why the heart is known as myogenic.

The autonomic nervous system regulates several physiological processes (ANS). It enhances the heart’s pace and force of contraction. It controls peripheral blood vessel resistance as well. The autonomic nervous system’s sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions cooperate to maintain the body’s equilibrium. The cardiac cycle helps the body’s blood flow throughout it. The cardiac cycle is managed by two fundamental systems.

  1. Intrinsic regulation of cardiac activity  
  2. Extrinsic regulation of cardiac activity 


Intrinsic Regulation

The SA-node, AV-node, and a group of His and Purkinje fibers are all involved in the intrinsic regulation of heart rate. The cardiac cycle is accelerated by the SA node, which produces an impulse on its own.

Extrinsic Regulation

There are two kinds of extrinsic regulation. In a mechanism known as neural regulation, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves regulate the heartbeat. Through hormonal or chemical modulation, hormones like catecholamine and acetylcholine control the heart rate. Other factors, like environmental stress and medications, also control the heartbeat.

Regulation of Cardiac Activity

Different fluids make up the majority of our bodies. Body fluids are crucial for the normal operation of our tissues and perform the crucial tasks of supplying nutrients to live cells and removing toxic toxins created by our systems. Other techniques for facilitating these activities have been created by other animals. However, complex creatures like humans need blood and lymph fluids to carry out the aforementioned functions.

A muscle-filled organ, the heart is made up of specific cardiac muscles. The heart’s primary job is to pump blood to the body’s numerous organs. The human heart can control its activity due to several internal mechanisms, but certain outside forces control cardiac activity. In an autonomic nerve system, substances like hormones, ions, etc. are some of these factors.

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FAQs on Regulation of Cardiac Activity

Question 1: What do you understand by the regularity of cardiac activity?...

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