Refs Hooks

React refs store non-rendering data like DOM node references or timeout IDs, without triggering re-renders. They enable interaction with non-React systems, like browser APIs, aiding integration with external libraries and imperative logic. Serving as an “escape hatch” from React’s standard data flow, refs offer flexibility and enhance compatibility with diverse environments.

  • useRef is used to create mutable references that persist across renders in functional components.
  • useImperativeHandler customizes the instance value that is exposed when using ref with functional components.
const App () =>{
const myRef = useRef(null);
const handleClick = () => {

Built-in React Hooks

In React, built-in Hooks are like tools that empower your components with various functionalities. They give you the flexibility to use different features without having to create class components. You can either utilize the hooks provided by React or mix and match them to create custom hooks tailored to your needs. Here’s a list of all the pre-built hooks available in React.

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Refs Hooks

React refs store non-rendering data like DOM node references or timeout IDs, without triggering re-renders. They enable interaction with non-React systems, like browser APIs, aiding integration with external libraries and imperative logic. Serving as an “escape hatch” from React’s standard data flow, refs offer flexibility and enhance compatibility with diverse environments....

Effect Hooks:

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Performance Hooks:

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Other Hooks

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