Redis Data Types and Commands in PHP

Redis supports various data types and provides a wide range of commands to manipulate them. Here are the Redis data types and commands:

Strings are simple key-value pairs in Redis. You can set, get, and manipulate strings using commands like:

  • SET
  • GET
  • INCR, and
  • DECR.

Example: We will set a new organisation name as Geeks for Geeks in our Redis PHP Database.

$redis->set(‘org’, ‘Geeks for Geeks’);echo $redis->get(‘org’); // Outputs: “Geeks for Geeks”


Lists in Redis are ordered collections of strings. You can use commands like:

  • LPOP, and
  • RPOP to add and remove items from a list.


$redis->lpush('courses', 'dsa');
$redis->lpush('courses', 'sys_design');
$redis->rpush('courses', 'android');
$fruits = $redis->lrange('courses', 0, -1);
// Outputs: ["sys_design", "dsa", "android"]

Sets in Redis are unordered collections of unique strings. You can use commands like:

  • SADD
  • SMEMBERS, and
  • SREM to manipulate sets.

Example: In our Geeks for Geeks DB, we are now adding the prices of the courses:


$redis->sadd('prices', '400');
$redis->sadd('prices', '300');
$redis->sadd('prices', '200');
$colors = $redis->smembers('prices');
print_r($prices); // Outputs: ["400", "300", "200"]

Hashes in Redis are maps between string fields and string values. You can use commands like:

  • HSET
  • HGET, and
  • HDEL to work with hashes.

Example: We will be adding a new user to the first course, named Spandan whose age is 22


$redis->hset('user:1', 'name', 'Spandan');
$redis->hset('user:1', 'age', 22);
$user = $redis->hgetall('user:1');
print_r($user); // Outputs: ["name" => "Spandan", "age" => "22"]

Sorted Sets in Redis are similar to sets but with a score associated with each member. You can use commands like:

  • ZADD
  • and ZREM to work with sorted sets.

Example: In the following example, we will be organizing and sorting the Redis data based on the score in their GfG assessment.


$redis->zadd('scores', 100, 'Spandan');
$redis->zadd('scores', 85, 'Ankur');
$redis->zadd('scores', 95, 'Anuj');
$topScorers = $redis->zrange('scores', 0, -1);
print_r($topScorers); // Outputs: ["Ankur", "Anuj", "Spandan"]

Key Expiry

You can set an expiration time for keys in Redis using the:

  • EXPIRE and
  • TTL command

Example: We will now be searching for the keys, if they exist, the user will be prompted.


$redis->set('key', 'value');
$redis->expire('key', 40); // Key expires in 40 seconds
// Check the time left for key expiration
$timeLeft = $redis->ttl('key');
echo "Time left: $timeLeft seconds";

Redis PHP Keys

Redis provides commands to manipulate keys, including:

  • DEL
  • EXISTS, and 
  • KEYS. 

Here’s an example of checking if a key exists and deleting it:


$redis->set('key1', 'dsa');
if ($redis->exists('key1')) {
    echo "DSA 'key1' exists!\n";

Caching with Redis

One of the most common use cases for Redis in PHP is caching. You can store the results of expensive database queries or API requests in Redis to speed up your application.


$key = 'user:121';
if ($redis->exists($key)) {
    $userData = unserialize($redis->get($key));
} else {
    $userData = fetchUserDataFromDatabase(121);
    $redis->setex($key, 4600, serialize($userData)); // Cache for more than an hour

Complete Guide to Redis PHP

Redis, an acronym for “Remote DIctionary Server,” is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a caching mechanism, message broker, and data store. In this article, we will delve into Redis integration with PHP, covering its installation, how to connect to a Redis server, common Redis commands, and practical examples.

Important Topics for Redis PHP

  • Installing the Redis Server in PHP
  • Installing PHP Redis Extension
  • Configure Redis
  • Redis Data Types and Commands in PHP
  • Close the Connection
  • Conclusion

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