Redefining Democracy

So far what we studied about democracy can be further expanded the definition to add some qualifications which include: 

  • The rulers are elected by the people
  • Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the rulers.
  • This choice and opportunity should be available to all people on an equal basis.
  • The exercise of choice must lead to a government limited by basic rules of the constitution and citizens’ rights.

Democracy is a vast concept. These above-mentioned points offer a very minimal approach to understanding the democracy of our country. Going further we learned that: 

  1. Democracy is not limited to mere elections, voters, and political parties, it offers various rights to citizens socially and economically, 
  2. The importance of minority voice in democracy, 
  3. The importance of respecting citizens’ morals and not discriminating against anyone based on caste, religion, birth, etc.
  4. The importance of power-sharing between governments and social groups is one of the spirits of democracy, it is a foundation on which democratic rule is based. The people have a right to be consulted on how they must govern and fair discussions must take place before decision-making.

Redefining Democracy of India

The term “democracy” comes from the Greek word demos, which means “common people” and Kratos, which means strength. Democracy is known as the “rule of the majority”, democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives among themselves to form a governing body. Dislike the monarchy power can’t be inherited in a democracy.

Redefining Democracy in India

Even though democracy has been accepted as the best form of government all over and had replaced the monarchy. Yet it has its own problems. Some of them are:

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Redefining Democracy

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