Recruitments Page

The Recruitment page consists of several openings, recent openings, if any, and the details and links to the social handles of the company’s owners & founders.


UI Design of a Personal Service Based Website

A personal service based company website must be beautiful in terms of designing and animations. A personal service based company website UI have great animations and use elegant features of style and UI/UX features. In this article we will cover the aspects of designing a personal service based website and how some basic designing principles will make it easy to do so.

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The Home page consists of basic header & footer and some services that are provided by the company website. It is basically like a crux page to the entire website....

Services Page

The Services Page consists of different services that are provided by the company website. All the services can be displayed in the form of a grid....

Recruitments Page

The Recruitment page consists of several openings, recent openings, if any, and the details and links to the social handles of the company’s owners & founders....

About Us

The About Us page tells us who and what exactly is the website and gives information of the founders, or the Managing directors of the website and the company....


By following the above tips & tricks & basic designing principles, this is how we can create a personal service based web UI and improvise it using different UI methods....

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