Recognizing the Signs of Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Financial abuse can manifest in various forms, including:

  • Misuse of funds: Unexplained withdrawals, charges, or transfers from the elder’s account.
  • Pressure to change wills or beneficiaries: Sudden changes favoring caregivers or unfamiliar individuals.
  • Deception: Persuading the elder to invest in risky ventures or contribute to unnecessary services.
  • Isolation: Restricting the elder’s contact with family or trusted advisors to gain control over finances.

Where to Report Financial Abuse of Elderly in US ?

Financial abuse of the elderly is a grave issue in the United States, affecting countless vulnerable individuals. Recognizing the signs and reporting suspected abuse promptly is crucial to protecting seniors and ensuring their financial security. This article outlines the primary avenues for reporting financial exploitation of elders across the country.

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