Reasons Why Do We Fear Exams?

Exam fear in students is developed due to several reasons. Every student has a different level of intelligence and perceives education according to their understanding. A student who has been actively participating in academic activities from an early age and studies consistently is more likely to perform better in exams than someone who only worries about exams and is not able to focus on their studies. Here are 7 reasons why students develop exam fear or exam phobia.

1. Fear of Failure

A lot of students fear failure and its related consequences, such as disappointment, low self-esteem, etc.

2. Too Many Expectations

Parents often have high expectations from their children which can have negative consequences. Societal expectations related to exam success build pressure and mental stress on students.

3. Competition

Healthy competition at the school level often turns to fear of not measuring up to peers. This fear of comparison can have negative impacts on self-confidence and exam performance.

4. Fear of the Unknown

Unfamiliar exam environment, exam settings and format of questions can contribute to anxiety and affect a student’s overall exam performance.

5. Irrational Beliefs

Irrational beliefs can affect our ways of perceiving exam-related information by building mental pressure. A lot of students engage in catastrophizing or being harshly judged by others.

6. Negative Past Experiences

Students who have had a negative experience, where their academic performance was poor, often develop a fear of exams. During the examination period, students relate their previous exam performance with their current situation.

7. High Stakes

We see exams are high-stakes events, where there are long-term consequences. In some students, this perception can intensify examination fear in them.

7 Tips To Overcome The Board Exam Fear

Board exams are an important academic milestone in every student’s life, as they present unique opportunities for courses, subjects, and academic knowledge. In India, board exams are conducted for Classes 10 and 12. Class 10 board exams are conducted for selection for particular streams in Class 11 and 12. Whereas, Class 12th board exams are conducted to measure students’ knowledge level in a particular field for college or university admission. Cracking or scoring 90+ in board exams is not as difficult as it sounds, for it only requires students to study consistently and keep themselves updated about all academic-related developments by their school and education board. One of the most difficult situations for board exam students is the stigma attached to them.

Parents, teachers, peers, and even we put a lot of strain on our mental health by giving way to importance to board exams. A lot of students, who have not prepared well enough for board exams feel stressed about the exam. Experts have termed this as exam phobia, meaning fear of an exam or fear of failing an exam. They want to score more on their exams but lack sufficient preparation, and mental pressure is built which affects their overall physical health.

To help students with their exam stress, we will uncover some of the best tips to overcome the board exam fear.

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Reasons Why Do We Fear Exams?

Exam fear in students is developed due to several reasons. Every student has a different level of intelligence and perceives education according to their understanding. A student who has been actively participating in academic activities from an early age and studies consistently is more likely to perform better in exams than someone who only worries about exams and is not able to focus on their studies. Here are 7 reasons why students develop exam fear or exam phobia....

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