Rating Component

The Rating Component can be used to represents the rating given by the user.



Rating Basic Component The Rating component is used to represent the rating given by the user.
Rating No Cancel Component We cannot change the value of the component. It is of the boolean data type, the default value is false.
Rating ReadOnly Component It indicates the number of stars to be shown. It is of number datatype, the default value is 5.
Rating Disabled Component he Form Rating Component is a selection input based on the star icon. It can be usually seen on product pages of e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, etc.
Model Driven Forms Component PrimeNg AutoComplete model provides star based for the inputs.
Properties Component The Form Rating Component is a selection input based on the star icon.
Rating Events Component The Form Rating Component is a selection input based on the star icon.
Rating Styling Component It can be usually seen on product pages of e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, etc. 

Angular PrimeNG Form Complete Reference

Angular PrimeNG Form facilitates the various input components for taking the input field & validating, which helps to design a responsive form for a single-page-application, that enhances the user experience, along with increasing the user interactivity in the Web application.

There are various components that are provided by the Angular PrimeNG Form, which are listed below with their brief description.

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