Random movement in a single object

To add random movement in our object we are going to use randint method of the random module.

Syntax: random.randint(a, b)


a and b : Two integers 

Returns: Return a random integer that lies between a and b.

First, a frame with necessary adjustments is created, then an object is placed on the window to depict movement. Now by using randint() and setting other relevant parameters we can change the position of the object randomly.

Example: Random movement in one object


# Importing the pygame module
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
# Import randint method random module
from random import randint
# Initiate pygame and give permission
# to use pygame's functionality
# Create a display surface object
# of specific dimension
window = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))
# Creating a new clock object to
# track the amount of time
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Creating a variable for direction
direction = 1
# Creating a new rect for player
player_rect = Rect(100, 100, 50, 50)
# Starting speed
speed_x = 5
speed_y = 4
# Creating a boolean variable that
# we will use to run the while loop
run = True
# Creating an infinite loop
# to run our game
while run:
    # Setting the framerate to 60fps
    # Changing the direction and x,y coordinate
    # of the object if the coordinate of left
    # side is less than equal to 20 or right side coordinate
    # is greater than equal to 580
    if player_rect.left <= 20 or player_rect.right >= 580:
        direction *= -1
        speed_x = randint(0, 8) * direction
        speed_y = randint(0, 8) * direction
        # Changing the value if speed_x
        # and speed_y both are zero
        if speed_x == 0 and speed_y == 0:
            speed_x = randint(2, 8) * direction
            speed_y = randint(2, 8) * direction
    # Changing the direction and x,y coordinate
    # of the object if the coordinate of top
    # side is less than equal to 20 or bottom side coordinate
    # is greater than equal to 580
    if player_rect.top <= 20 or player_rect.bottom >= 580:
        direction *= -1
        speed_x = randint(0, 8) * direction
        speed_y = randint(0, 8) * direction
        # Changing the value if speed_x
        # and speed_y both are zero
        if speed_x == 0 and speed_y == 0:
            speed_x = randint(2, 8) * direction
            speed_y = randint(2, 8) * direction
    # Adding speed_x and speed_y
    # in left and top coordinates of object
    player_rect.left += speed_x
    player_rect.top += speed_y
    # Drawing player rect
    pygame.draw.rect(window, (0,   255,   0), player_rect)
    # Updating the display surface
    # Filling the window with white color
    window.fill((255, 255, 255))


Pygame – Random Movement of Object

In this article, we will learn how we can add random movements in objects using PyGame in Python.

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