
In the year 1550 in Germany railways existed. These tracks or pathways are of wood called “wagon ways”. It was the beginning of modern rail transport. In 1700 iron replaced wooden tracks and became popular in Europe.

After that steam-powered locomotives came into existence and were slowly replaced by diesel-powered locomotives beginning in the early 1900s and later with electric ones. By the year 1980s, most steam-powered locomotives were retired from regular service routes and a new era begin with diesel and electric engines.

Now, Railway is one of the biggest transporters of goods and carry a passenger from one place to another.

Also, roadways and railways both together make Land Transportation.

History of Transportation

The history of transportation traces back to the time when there is no means of transportation and humans used to travel by foot. They used to travel long distances for many days to reach their destination. Humans Keep on improving and developing new means to ease their travel like making spike structures for their feet to easy walking in snow or icy areas, making use of logs of wood to travel through water bodies etc. One of the Biggest moves in the history of transportation is made when around 3500 BC the wheeled vehicle was used and the era of a cart or chariots started.

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