Quiz on Slido

The seminar ended with an interesting discussion on Slido that allowed the students to raise their hands if they had any doubts regarding Git and GitHub concepts The quiz turned the seminar into a much richer learning opportunity for participants. Firstly, it was an enjoyable activity that also ensured that concepts were properly reinforced, and suitable for assessing the overall level of comprehension of the participants. Despite being the competitive part of the show, it did not dominate the situation. Instead, the spirit of camaraderie was what came to the fore of the entire event, thus highlighting the collaborative attributes that were in the event.


At the year’s end, the Git and GitHub training hosted by Lucknow University gave me an exceptional and significant improvement in my experience. The knowledge gained, the community gained, and the expertise spanned have provided me with a meaningful base to work with security and make coding collaboration more efficient. As I gaze into the future, my confidence is amplified by the knowledge that my experience of going to the seminar will remain relevant to my path towards becoming a software developer. I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our campus expert with the highest regard for her exemplary leadership and profound dedication while shaping up and leading this academically intriguing seminar. I doubt there is someone in the group who has not been affected by her dedication to the creation of an environment conducive to education and cooperation. I am no different, and I was personally affected by this. Besides, I want to convey my appreciation to Lucknow University, which gives us the chance to interact during the session and thus experience an enriching learning process.

Lucknow University’s Journey of Seminar on Git and GitHub

Version control: Shaping innovation, commit by commit

On 21st October 2023, Lucknow University’s online seminar had a fortunate session that I was fortunate enough to attend. This seminar was directed at the details of Git and GitHub which are the basic instruments developed for the software development field. The atmosphere was highly charged as the participants logged into the virtual platform deeply curious and anxious to learn and explore with the aid of our trusted campus guide, the highly expert of the school.

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Quiz on Slido

The seminar ended with an interesting discussion on Slido that allowed the students to raise their hands if they had any doubts regarding Git and GitHub concepts The quiz turned the seminar into a much richer learning opportunity for participants. Firstly, it was an enjoyable activity that also ensured that concepts were properly reinforced, and suitable for assessing the overall level of comprehension of the participants. Despite being the competitive part of the show, it did not dominate the situation. Instead, the spirit of camaraderie was what came to the fore of the entire event, thus highlighting the collaborative attributes that were in the event....

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