Question 2: Elections

Problem Description

Elections are going on, and there are two candidates A and B, contesting with each other. There is a queue of voters and in this queue some of them are supporters of A and some of them are supporters of B. Many of them are neutral. The fate of the election will be decided on which side the neutral voters vote. Supporters of A and supporters of B make attempt to win the votes of neutral voters.

The way this can be done is explained below:

1. The voter queue is denoted by three characters, viz {-, A, B}. The – denotes neutral candidate, A denotes supporter of candidate A and B denotes supporter of candidate B.

2. Supporters of A can only move towards the left side of the queue.

3. Supporters of B can only move towards the right side of the queue.

4. Since time is critical, supporters of both A and B will move simultaneously.

5. They both will try and influence the neutral voters by moving in their direction in the queue. If supporter of A reaches the neutral voter before supporter of B reaches him, then that neutral voter will become a supporter of candidate A.

6. Similarly, if supporter of B reaches the neutral voter before supporter of A reaches him, then that neutral voter will become a supporter of candidate B.

7. Finally, if both reach at the same time, the voter will remain neutral. A neutral vote cannot decide the outcome of the election.

8. If finally, the queue has more votes for candidate A, then A wins the election. If B has more votes, then B wins that election. If both have equal votes, then it will be a coalition government.

Refer Examples section for understanding the dynamics of how the supporters influence the neutral voters.

Your task is to find the outcome of the election.

Note: There are no test cases where all votes are neutral.


First line contains an integer which is length of queue of voters.

Second line contains characters {-, A, B}, in which denotes

· A = voter who is supporter of candidate A

· B = voter who is supporter of candidate B

· – = neutral voter


Print candidate with maximum number of votes. If they have equal number of votes, print “Coalition government“.


Input :14


Output : A

Input : 4


Output : A

TCS Codevita 9 Pre-qualifier round questions

TCS Codevita Pre-qualifier Round which was held on 15th August 2020 by TCS to filter out the candidates that suits  there company as  Software Engineers. The level of this Coding Round was medium and not that easy. Every candidate has to solve atleast one question to be qualified for the next round. The coding round comprised of good set of questions which are as follows :

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