Python NumPy Array of Floats into Integers in 2-D Array

There are some methods to convert the float values in our numpy array to the array of nearest integer values. Here are some of the methods mentioned below :

Naive Approach.

This implementation is same as we saw in 1-D array. We are here using explicit type casting too.


import numpy as np
org = np.array([
#displaying the original array
print("Original Array : ")
# Create an empty list
new = []
for i in range(org.shape[0]):
    helper = []
    for j in range(org.shape[1]):
        helper.append(int(org[i, j]))
integer = np.array(new) 
#displaying the integer array
print("Integer Array : ")    


Original Array : 
[[1.2 2.3 3.4]
[0.1 1.3 2.6]
[1.5 4.5 9.2]]
Integer Array :
[[1 2 3]
[0 1 2]
[1 4 9]]

Time complexity: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns
Auxiliary Space: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns

Using numpy.astype()

In this example, we are using numpy.astype(), similar to that of the 1-D array. Just call the method to the whole 2-D array at once. Now lets move to the code implementation.


import numpy as np
org = np.array([
#displaying the original array
print("Original Array : ")
#applying .astype()
integer = org.astype(int
#displaying the integer array
print("Integer Array : ")    


Original Array : 
[[1.2 2.3 3.4]
[0.1 1.3 2.6]
[1.5 4.5 9.2]]
Integer Array :
[[1 2 3]
[0 1 2]
[1 4 9]]

Time complexity: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns
Auxiliary Space: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns

Using numpy.asarray()

Its too has the same use case as the previous one in 1-D array. It takes whole 2-D array at once and then convert it into the desired data type which is passed through the function. Now lets move to code implementation.


import numpy as np
org = np.array([
#displaying the original array
print("Original Array : ")
#applying .asarray() with dtype (data type) as integer
integer = np.asarray(org, dtype=int)
#displaying the integer array
print("Integer Array : ")    


Original Array : 
[[1.2 2.3 3.4]
[0.1 1.3 2.6]
[1.5 4.5 9.2]]
Integer Array :
[[1 2 3]
[0 1 2]
[1 4 9]]

Time complexity: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns
Auxiliary Space: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns

Using np.int_()

We had seen np.int_() implementation in 1-D array part. Its same for the 2-D array too. Now lets see the code implementation.


import numpy as np
org = np.array([
#displaying the original array
print("Original Array : ")
#applying int_() to org array
integer = np.int_(org)
#displaying the integer array
print("Integer Array : ")    


Original Array : 
[[1.2 2.3 3.4]
[0.1 1.3 2.6]
[1.5 4.5 9.2]]
Integer Array :
[[1 2 3]
[0 1 2]
[1 4 9]]

Time complexity: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns
Auxiliary Space: O(N*M) , where N is no. of rows and M is no. of columns

How to Convert NumPy Array of Floats into Integers

In this article, we will see how to convert the NumPy Array of Floats into Integers. We are given a NumPy array of float-type values. Our task is to convert all the float-type values of the Numpy array to their nearest array of integer values.

Input1: [1.2 4.5 9.1 6.5 8.9 2.3 1.2]
Output1: [1 4 9 6 8 2 1]
Input2: [ 1.2 3.4 5.6 7.8 9.1 11.2 14.5 16.7]
Output2: [ 1 3 5 7 9 11 14 16]

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Python NumPy Array of Floats into Integers in 2-D Array


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