Pull Based on a Condition

Here you have one or more queries and you remove elements based on that queries by any method like $pull operator or custom logic.


// Filename - app.js

const express = require('express')
const app = express();
const PORT = 8000;
const { Product, dbConnection } = require('./server')

dbConnection(); // connecting to database 

async function pulling(productId) {
    const result = await Product.updateOne(
        { _id: productId },
        { $pull: { reviews: { rating: { $lt: 4 } } } },
    console.log('Reviews removed:', result);


// server listening 
app.listen(PORT, () => {
    console.log(`Server is running on ${PORT}`)


$Pull On Condition Output

How to Pull Item from an Array in Mongoose ?

In Mongoose, pulling an item from an array can be done using several methods. To pull an item from an array, you can use the $pull operator along with the updateOne() or updateMany() method.

We will discuss the different methods to pull items from an array in Mongoose

Table of Content

  • Using $pull Operator
  • Pull Based on a Condition
  • Pull from Nested Arrays
  • Using the $pop Operator

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