Provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019

1. Regulation Authority: Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has been established to promote, protect, and enforce the rights of consumers. It investigates and takes action against unfair trade practices, misleading advertisements, and violations of consumer rights.

2. Filing of Complaints: Consumer Protection Act, 2019 allows consumers to file complaints from anywhere in the world.

3. Mediation and Product Recall: The act introduces mediation as a method of dispute resolution, allowing consumers and businesses to resolve disputes without going through lengthy legal procedures. It also provides for the establishment of a product recall process for goods and services that are found to be unsafe.

4. Jurisdiction: The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 establishes various consumer protection councils to protect the interest of consumers from exploitation at the hands of service providers, manufacturers, retailers, and other intermediaries. Central Consumer Protection Council, State Consumer Protection Council, and District Consumer Protection Council have been set up under this act. Different level of courts has specific range unto and under which the consumer can seek hearing and compensation:

  • District Consumer Protection Council handles cases of up to ₹1 Crore.
  • State Consumer Protection Council handles cases between ₹1 Crore to ₹10 Crores.
  • Central Consumer Protection Council handles cases of above ₹10 Crores.

5. Product Liability: Manufacturers, sellers, or service providers can be held responsible/liable for any harm caused to consumers due to defective products or services.

6. E-Commerce and Direct Selling: Specific provisions are included to regulate e-commerce and direct selling activities, ensuring transparency, accountability, and consumer protection.

7. Video Conferencing: The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 allows the consumer to seek hearing through video conferences, rather than being physically present at the hearing.

Consumer Protection Act 2019 : Features, Significance, Rights and Provision

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