Prospectus: An Overview

Companies that wish to offer bonds or stocks for sale to the public should file a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of the registration process. Companies have to file a preliminary and final prospectus, and the SEC has certain specific guidelines as to what is listed in the prospectus for various securities.

The Preliminary Prospectus is a first offering document that is provided by a security issuer and includes most of the details of the business and transaction. However, it does not contain the number of shares to be issued or price information.

The Final Prospectus, on the other hand, contains the entire detail of the investment offering to the public. The final prospectus includes any final background information as well as the number of shares or certificates to be issued and the offering price.

A prospectus includes the following listed information:

  • A brief summary of the background of the company and financial information.
  • The name of the company issuing the stock.
  • The total number of shares.
  • The type of securities being offered.
  • Whether an offering is private or public.
  • Name of the company’s principle.
  • Name of the banks or financial companies performing the underwriting.

Some companies are also allowed to file an abridged prospectus, which is a document that contains information that is the same as that of the final prospectus.

Another reason behind issuing prospectus is to inform investors of the risks involved with investing in the fund or security. Although, a company might be raising capital by issuing bond or stock, investors must study the financial statements of the company. This ensures the company is financially viable enough to fulfill its commitments. The information on the prospectus also guards the issuing company against claims that information is not fully disclosed.

Prospectus of a Company: Meaning, Types and Uses

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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