Pros and Cons of Flask and FastAPI

Pros of Flask

  1. Built-in Development Server: A development environment is very different from a production environment. It is important to stimulate the production environment for your application before it is sent out for production to avoid any issues and errors. With Flask, you can test your application before actually putting it into production.
  2. Unit Testing: Flask provides unit testing that can be used to simulate various conditions and test your application’s functionality to ensure code readability and efficiency.
  3. Scalability: With Flask, you can easily scale your application with minimal effort. Developers can easily add features on the go.
  4. Easy to start: Flask is easy to understand and its syntax is also easier to grasp making it a good choice for beginners.

Cons of Flask

  1. Single-Threaded and Synchronous: Flask is a single-threaded framework where each process can only start after the previous one has been completed. This nature is also called the synchronous behaviour of the application.
  2. Session Management: Flask does not provide an in-built session management system thus it lies on the shoulders of the developer to link the requests and responses of a user’s interaction with your application.
  3. HTML-Oriented: Writing APIs is not the main goal of Flask.
  4. Database Migrations: Moving information from source to target is called data migrations. Migrating databases and keeping track of the versions is difficult and can be achieved by using third-party libraries.

Pros of FastAPI

  1. Concurrency: Python 3.4 introduced Async I/O for concurrency. FastAPI simplifies concurrency as you do not need to create event loops or use async/await management.
  2. Documentation Support: FastAPI provides in-built automatic documentation support. It helps provide a UI for testing your service. To access these automatically generated documentation, hit the endpoint of the API that has to be tested with /docs.
  3. Dependency Injection: FastAPI comes with an in-built dependency injection solution and makes sure that classes are not interdependent. Thus, increasing the modularity and efficiency of your application. This also helps to make changes in the application without any conflicts.
  4. Data Validation: FastAPI provides in-built automatic data validation. FastAPI achieves it as it is integrated with Pydantic models. These models use Python-type annotations which help validate the requests and responses to and from the API.

Cons of FastAPI

  1. Security: FastAPI does not provide an in-built security system.
  2. Small Community: FastAPI being a newer framework has a smaller community and less material as compared to Flask which is quite older.
  3. Learning Curve: It can take time to grasp asynchronous programming and Pydantic for data validation.
  4. Overhead for Small Projects: For simple projects, FastAPI’s full feature set and performance focus might be unnecessary.

Flask vs. FastAPI: Which One to Choose

Let’s understand the difference between Flask and FastAPI using a real-world analogy. Imagine you are hosting a party where Flask and FastAPI are the two methods using which you serve your guests. Flask is like a buffet-style approach where all the options are laid on the table and each individual chooses the service they want to use. Your role is to prepare the food or the backend logic for the application and serve it and then it is up to the guests or the clients how they wish to interact with them.

On the other hand, FastAPI is like a catering service where you provide a menu of options and guests place their orders. FastAPI or the catering service takes care of all the behind-the-scenes tasks and ensures to provide a fast and efficient experience to the clients. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between Flask and FastAPI and which one to choose, leaving the choice to the user to decide which framework suits them for their application needs.

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Flask vs FastAPI: Key Differences

Aspects Flask FastAPI Performance Good for medium-sized applications but slow for complex applications. Faster and better than Flask. Use Case Web applications APIs HTTP Methods @app.route(“/”, methods = [“GET”])@app.route(“/”, methods = [“POST”]) @app.get(“/”)“/”) Data Validation No validation support. In-built data validation. Error Message Display Displayed in HTML format. Displayed in JSON format. Documentation Support Supports manual documentation. Supports automatic documentation. Asynchronous tasks Not inherent to the asynchronous design. Inherent to the asynchronous design. Community Large community. Smaller community....


In conclusion, we discussed the differences between Flask and FastAPI. Flask is a micro framework, while FastAPI is a full-stack framework. FastAPI is much better when it comes to performance and speed. Flask, on the other hand, is better when it comes to simpler applications. The features that make FastAPI a better choice for complex and data-intensive applications are dependency injections, automatic documentation support, data validation and asynchronous programming. Although, FastAPI has a smaller community as compared to Flask its high performance and efficiency have made it very popular in the market....

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