Pros and Cons of Firebase

In this, we are going to do a deep dive into the pros and cons of using Firebase platform. We will briefly discuss all the points with a clear understanding.


  1. Firebase provides a server-less architecture that can help in writing the code without giving much attention to server management, scalability and server management.
  2. Firebase provides us the easy to use software development kits (in short SDKs) for implementing secure user authentications through email and password or with some social logins ( such as google, github, yahoo and many more).
  3. It provides us the provides us a brief ideas about user interaction to our application. This will eventually help us in improving and optimizing apps for better user experience.
  4. It provides a cross platform support ( both iOS and Android). It also supports various JavaScript frameworks such as react, angular, vue.js.
  5. It provides a NoSQL cloud based database which supports real-time data synchronization.


  1. Firebase offers a NoSQl cloud based database. Which means it cannot support relational database structures. Running complex database queries is still a big challenge to this platform.
  2. Vendor lock-in: Vendor lock in is a situation in which cost of switching to another vendor is too much that customer is bound to stick on to the original vendor. In case of Firebase, it may case to such situations where customer founds themselves in difficult situations to switch from Firebase to another platform due to its proprietary services and APIs.
  3. Cost: cost is often consider a drawback in case Firebase when our apps starts scaling to large level or user traffic increases.

Why Use Firebase ?

Firebase is a platform provided by Google to develop Android and web applications. It provides a user-friendly experience for building full stack applications. It also provides databases, authentications, storage for files, and many more such kinds of facilities. As stated earlier, it is a platform by Google, therefore it has good resources of documentation, providing flexibility to the developers to learn its function and modules very easily.

In this article, we are going to discover the uses of Firebase, its benefits, pros and cons, and many more such things. We will understand the uses of Firebase over its other alternatives.

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