Pros & Cons of a Career as a UI Designer in 2023

This has been a consistent question about the pros and cons in every career field. For people who are taking their first step in the corporate world or even if someone is making a career switch, it is always a must to ask curious questions. Therefore, we have compiled a list of Pros and Cons as a UI Designer so that you can choose wisely. 


  • Flexibility: Most of the time designers are allowed to work from home or remotely work options. This allows them to work from anywhere they want, and bring a lot of good ideas to the table. Freelancers prefer working from home, anyone can reach out to them by scheduling a call or via mail. Design is a very flexible and exciting career for those who want to sit back in their comfy environment and work.
  • Experimentation: Every week there is a new trend that hits every awestruck. A designer gets to work on a lot of different things at a given time, whether it’s related to creating amazing interfaces, prototyping, or drawing NFTs, icon sets, etc. Design is a field that is never getting bored of new experiments, this lets people learn new things every now and then.
  • Competitive Salary: This is another pro of being a designer that you would get a competitive salary along with which if you’re doing freelancing side by side the earnings are too much. People sell NFTs, UI kits, design templates, etc. 
  • Potential Growth: For a person starting up with design as a full-time career they have a lot of opportunities to learn, not just about design but concepts like human psychology and perspective, illustration, motion graphics, product management, product lifecycle, and UI development as well


  • Critique & Workload: Sometimes due to high requirements and urgent deliverables there are chances that designers need to work day and night because the whole development is dependent on the design handover. 
  • Wrong interpretation of field & OKRs: UI design has recently taken a boom and many people still don’t have a clear idea of what UI/UX design is basically. People misinterpret UI design with front-end developers as well.
  • Market and job saturation: Right now the situation in the market is very bad. Companies are not hiring people, there are no jobs available. Design as a field has a lot of opportunities but big companies tend to hire experienced or highly skilled people, in such situations freelancing and content creation is the most reliable option. 

5 Best UI Designer Jobs: A Complete Guide For Beginners

UI Design is indeed one of the most trending job careers in 2023. Taking up any service or product-based companies falling under any domain whether BFSI, E-commerce, Gaming, etc. are demanding good and skilled UI designers. As a User interface designer, the prime focus of a role and individual should be on interface design, animation, prototyping, graphics, and illustration. As a UI designer, your role is to make the design communicate the concept at first glance when the user looks at it.

In this article, we’ll be looking into various roles a UI designer can work for, from junior to senior level of expertise. Let’s look into the roles first, to understand what can be done and how to fulfill the requirements for each UI design role.

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Pros & Cons of a Career as a UI Designer in 2023

This has been a consistent question about the pros and cons in every career field. For people who are taking their first step in the corporate world or even if someone is making a career switch, it is always a must to ask curious questions. Therefore, we have compiled a list of Pros and Cons as a UI Designer so that you can choose wisely....

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So that’s a wrap for this article. It is indeed true to say that UI design is a highly demanding role and every year the demand is increasing. Designs as a field do not require any specific qualification if you have enough skills to prove your worth. Get to know what suits your interest, hustle for it and you’ll end up getting the job....

FAQs: Best UI Designer Jobs

1. Is UI UX design a good career in 2023?...

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