Properties of s-block Elements

The S-block elements possesses distinct properties. In this section, you’ll learn about the properties of s-block elements. Their properties mainly categorized into 2 parts:

  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Properties

Physical Properties of s-block Elements

Let’s dive deep into the properties of s-block elements

  • Melting Point: S-block elements consists different melting points. The Group 1 elements i.e. Alkali metals have low melting point. For example, Sodium can be melted around 98° celsius. When we talk about Group 2 elements i.e. Alkaline Earth Metals, they have high melting point. For example, Calcium needs 842° celsius temperature to melt which is 9 times more than sodium needs.
  • Conductivity: Due to the presence of electrons that are loosely bound, these electrons can easily move through the metallic structure. This encourages the flow of electricity. That’s why s-block elements have higher electrical conductivity.
  • Nature of Bonds: In S-block, the Group 1 elements i.e. Alkali metals always form ionic bonds as these elements have low ionization enthalpies that decreases downwards to the group. In simple words, as we move down the group, the ionic characteristic increases.
  • Density: The densities of s-block elements is relatively low due to their large size.
  • Photoelectric effect: The s-block elements shows photoelectric effect. They emit electrons from their surface, when they come into the contact of light. Lithium is an exception here because of its higher ionization enthalpy.

Chemical Properties of s-block Elements

Now, it’s time to learn about the chemical properties of S-block elements:

  • Reactivity: S-block elements are highly reactive in nature. Group 1 elements especially Na and K are well-known for their high reactivity with water that results in producing hydrogen gas & hydroxides. Group 2 metals are less reactive as compared to Group 1 elements but still they show a notable reactivity when exposed to air or water.
  • Formation of Compounds: S-block elements have high tendency to make compounds. They donate their electrons to form ionic compounds. Group 1 elements donate 1 valence electron while Group 2 elements donate 2 valence electrons to form a compound.
  • Reducing Agents: Due to the strong tendency of loosing electrons, s-block elements are known as strong reducing agents.

S Block Elements

S-block elements are those elements in which the last electron is present in the s-orbital. In the periodic table. They reside in the first 2 columns. S-block consists of 14 elements that include, Hydrogen (H), Lithium (Li), Helium (He), Sodium (Na), Beryllium (Be), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Rubidium (Rb), Calcium (Ca), Caesium (Cs), Strontium (Sr), Francium (Fr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra).

In this article, we will learn about s-block elements, their various properties, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What are s-block Elements?
  • Properties of s-block Elements
  • Atomic Mass of s-block Elements
  • Diagonal Relationship of s-Block Elements
  • Periodic Trends in s-Block Elements
  • Compounds of s-block Elements

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