Problems with the imbalanced data

Unbalanced class distributions present a barrier, even though many machine learning algorithms work best when there are nearly equal numbers of samples in each class. A model may appear to have high accuracy in these situations if it primarily predicts the majority class. In such cases, having high accuracy becomes deceptive. Sadly, the minority class—which is frequently the main focus of model creation—is ignored by this strategy. In the event that 99% of the data pertains to the majority class, for example, simple classification models such as logistic regression or decision trees may find it difficult to recognize and precisely forecast occurrences from the minority class.

How to Handle Imbalanced Classes in Machine Learning

In machine learning, “imbalanced classes” is a familiar problem particularly occurring in classification when we have datasets with an unequal ratio of data points in each class.

Training of model becomes much trickier as typical accuracy is no longer a reliable metric for measuring the performance of the model. Now if the number of data points in minority class is much less, then it may end up being completely ignored during training.

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