Probability Distribution Function (PDF) of a bivariate gaussian distribution

The density function describes the relative likelihood of a random variable X at a given sample. Mathematically the PDF of two variables X and Y in bivariate Gaussian distribution is given by:


  • μ = mean
  • σ = standard deviation
  • ρ = correlation of x1 and x2

If P = 2 then this is a bivariate gaussian distribution.

Visualizing the Bivariate Gaussian Distribution in R

The Gaussian distribution (better known as the normal distribution) is one of the most fundamental probability distributions in statistics. A bivariate Gaussian distribution consists of two independent random variables. One can notice a bell curve while visualizing a bivariate gaussian distribution. Two random variables X1 and X2 are bivariate normal if aX1+bX2 has a normal distribution for all a, b ∈ R.

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