Preventing Scroll Reset

Preventing scroll reset in web applications involves ensuring that the scroll position of a page is maintained when the user interacts with the application. This is particularly important in scenarios where the page content dynamically changes, such as navigating between different pages or components. By default, certain actions like navigation or updating content can cause the browser to reset the scroll position to the top of the page. To prevent this, developers can implement techniques such as storing the scroll position before the change occurs and then restoring it afterward. This ensures a smoother and more seamless user experience, as users won’t lose their place when navigating or interacting with the application.

We can prevent the scroll to top behavior from our links and forms:


<Link preventScrollReset={true} />
<Form preventScrollReset={true} />

What is ScrollRestoration in React Router

In React Router, scrollRestoration is a feature that helps maintain the scroll position of a webpage when navigating between different routes within a single-page application. When enabled, it ensures that when a user goes back or forward in their browsing history, the page remembers where they were scrolled to previously, rather than resetting to the top of the page.

This feature enhances the user experience by providing seamless navigation within the application without disrupting their reading or browsing flow. By default, the React Router does not handle scroll restoration. In this article, we’ll learn about ScrollRestoration in detail.

Table of Content

  • ScrollRestoration when user navigates to a different page
  • When user reloads the page
  • getKey Prop
  • Preventing Scroll Reset

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Preventing Scroll Reset

Preventing scroll reset in web applications involves ensuring that the scroll position of a page is maintained when the user interacts with the application. This is particularly important in scenarios where the page content dynamically changes, such as navigating between different pages or components. By default, certain actions like navigation or updating content can cause the browser to reset the scroll position to the top of the page. To prevent this, developers can implement techniques such as storing the scroll position before the change occurs and then restoring it afterward. This ensures a smoother and more seamless user experience, as users won’t lose their place when navigating or interacting with the application....

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