Prerequisites of Address Book

  • Model schema for address should be designed before implementing the database .
  • The routes and endpoints of NodeJS backend must be designed before implementation .

Address Book using MERN

In this article, we will build a Address Book using the MERN stack. The application will enable users to add, remove, edit and view addresses. The project will use the mongoDB database for storage and React for UI part. This classic address book helps you to save your contacts easily and data can be retrieved easily.

Preview of Final Output: Let us have a look at how our final project will look like:

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Prerequisites of Address Book :

Model schema for address should be designed before implementing the database . The routes and endpoints of NodeJS backend must be designed before implementation ....

Technologies Used in Address Book:

MongoDB Express React JS Node JS...

Approach To create Address Book:

We will build a frontend in React that will use bootstrap to develop a UI which will be used for below mentioned functionalities . Then we will create MongoDB collection to store the data related to addresses . NodeJS will be used for developing backend server and Express will be used to implement endpoints used by our frontend ....

Functionalities of Address Book :

The project will have following functionalities ....

Steps to create a Address Book :


Project Structure of Address Book:


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