Practical Application

Python String index() Method function is used to extract the suffix or prefix length after or before the target word. The example below displays the total bit length of an instruction coming from AC voltage given information in a string.


# initializing target strings
VOLTAGES = ["001101 AC", "0011100 DC", "0011100 AC", "001 DC"]
# initializing argument string
# initializing bit-length calculator
for i in VOLTAGES:
    ch = i
    if ch[len(ch) - 2] != "D":
        # extracts the length of bits in string
        bit_len = ch.index(TYPE) - 1
        # adds to total
        SUM_BITS = SUM_BITS + bit_len
print("The total bit length of AC is : ", SUM_BITS)


The total bit length of AC is : 13

Python String index() Method

Python String index() Method allows a user to find the index of the first occurrence of an existing substring inside a given string in Python.

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Practical Application


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