PPF vs FD: Which is Better Choice?

Let’s compare PPF and FD to see which one comes out on top.

1. Better Returns: PPF usually gives you more money back than FD in the long run. With PPF, your money grows faster because it gets extra money added to it every year. FD, on the other hand, doesn’t usually give you as much extra money.

2. Tax Benefits: One cool thing about PPF is that you don’t have to pay taxes on the money you put in or the money you get out. But with FD, you might have to pay taxes on the money you make.

3. More Choices and Easier Access: With PPF, your money is locked away for 15 years, but you can take some out if you need it after a while. FD lets you choose how long you want to keep your money in, and you can usually get it out whenever you need it.

4. Less Risky: PPF is safer because it’s backed by the government, so you don’t have to worry about losing your money. FD is pretty safe too, but sometimes things can go wrong with the bank you put your money in.

5. Protects Against Prices Going Up: Prices can go up over time, and PPF helps keep your money safe from that. But with FD, your money might not grow enough to keep up with prices going up.

6. Good for Saving for a Long Time: If you want to save a lot of money over many years, PPF is a great choice because it grows quickly. FD can be good too, but it might not give you as much money back in the end.

7. Helps Plan for Retirement: PPF is awesome for getting ready for retirement because it gives you money that you don’t have to pay taxes on. FD can help too, but it might not give you as much money in the end or save you as much on taxes.

Is PPF Better than FD?

Have you ever wondered where to put your money to make it grow? Well, two popular options are PPF and FD. But which one is better? We’ll break it down for you in this article. Let’s dive into why PPF is better than FD.

Let’s start with the basics. PPF and FD are both ways to save money and make it grow. PPF stands for Public Provident Fund, and FD means Fixed Deposit. PPF is like a special savings account offered by the government, while FD is like putting your money in a bank for a set amount of time.

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