Power Point Keyboard Shortcuts -FAQs

What are the shortcut keys for PowerPoint

Add a new slide: Use CTRL + SHIFT + M.

Duplicate the current slide: Press CTRL + SHIFT + D.

Select text: Simply use CTRL + A.

Center text in a box: Press CTRL + E.

Align text to the right in a box: Use CTRL + R.

Align text to the left in a box: Press CTRL + L.

Decrease text size: Use CTRL + SHIFT + the less than sign (<).

Increase text size: Press CTRL + SHIFT + the greater than sign (>).

What is Ctrl +W in MS PowerPoint

In MS PowerPoint, if you press Ctrl + W, it simply closes the window of the presentation you’re using at that moment. This shortcut is handy because it lets you close one presentation without having to close all of PowerPoint. It’s a simple way to handle multiple presentations more easily.

What is Ctrl H in PowerPoint

When you’re working on a PowerPoint presentation, pressing Ctrl + H is like summoning a magical helper.

When you want to swap certain words in your presentation, instead of hunting for them yourself, you just instruct the genie to locate every occurrence of one word and swap it with another.

The genie, aka the Replace dialog box, does all the work, swiftly updating your slides without manual effort. Abracadabra! Your presentation is transformed in an instant.

What is the F12 key used for in PowerPoint

When you press the F12 key in PowerPoint, it opens a window where you can save your presentation with a new name or in a different place. This helps you save your work quickly without having to search through the menu.

F12 key used in MS Powerpoint in different ways?

  1. F12: When you’re in editing mode, pressing F12 opens the Save As window. It’s like summoning a mystical portal to save your presentation under a new name or location.
  2. Shift + F12: This combination is your trusty spell for saving your current presentation. No need to wave a wand—just press Shift + F12, and your work is preserved.
  3. Ctrl + F12: Behold, the Open window appears! Use this shortcut to explore other magical presentations or open a new one. It’s like stepping into different realms of knowledge.
  4. Ctrl + Shift + F12: The Print window materializes. Here, you can preview your creation before sending it off to the enchanted printer.

Drag and Drop Shortcuts in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint, you can move slides or objects around easily by clicking on them, holding the mouse button, moving them to where you want, and then letting go of the mouse button. This helps you organize and customize your presentation without having to use lots of menus.

Formatting in Powerpoint Using Shortcut Keys

    • Instead of navigating menu, you can format with keystrokes.
    • Use Ctrl+B to bold text, Ctrl+I to italicize, and Ctrl+U to underline.
    • Change font size with Ctrl+Shift+> to increase or Ctrl+Shift+< to decrease.
    • These shortcuts streamline formatting, saving time and effort.

    Shortcut Keys for Insert & Layout in PowerPoint

    Shortcut keys for inserting and managing layouts in PowerPoint can greatly speed up the creation and editing of your presentations

    1. Ctrl + M: Insert a new slide.
    2. Ctrl + D: Duplicate the selected slide.
    3. Ctrl + Enter: Insert a new slide with the same layout as the current slide.
    4. Ctrl + Shift + D: Insert a new slide with the same layout as the selected slide.
    5. Ctrl + Shift + M: Insert a new slide with a blank layout.
    6. Ctrl + Shift + N: Insert a new slide with a title layout.
    7. Ctrl + Shift + H: Insert a new slide with a title and content layout.
    8. Ctrl + Shift + L: Insert a new slide with a section header layout.
    9. Ctrl + Shift + O: Insert a new slide with a two-content layout.
    10. Ctrl + Shift + T: Insert a new slide with a title-only layout.

    Top PowerPoint Shortcut Keys List

    PowerPoint is like your best friend when it comes to sharing ideas, presenting projects, and keeping your audience engaged. But did you know there’s something super cool hidden in there? It’s called keyboard shortcuts. Think of them as your magic wand—they help you move smoothly between slides, make your designs look perfect, and make creating presentations a breeze, just like a conductor leads an orchestra.

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    Power Point Keyboard Shortcuts -FAQs

    What are the shortcut keys for PowerPoint...

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