
Definition: Population means a group which consists of organisms of the same species that live in a particular geographical area at the same time and they compete with each other for the resources.

Interbreeding is also seen among the individuals of a population. For Example: A population of wild dogs. All the dogs belong to the same species which live in the same place. They fight against each other for the food and also mate with each other for reproduction.

Five Levels of Ecology

The five levels of ecology indicate various ecological levels of organization which is necessary for the survival of life on the earth. An ecosystem also displays interactions on ecological levels between different organisms. The energy flow occurs within ecological levels as bigger organisms eat up smaller organisms. In this article, we will cover the five levels of ecology in order from smallest to largest.

Table of Content

  • Five Levels of Ecology Definition
  • What are the Ecological Level of Organization?
  • Organisms/ Individuals
  • Population
  • Community
  • Ecosystem
  • Biosphere
  • What are the 5 Ecological Levels Interactions?
  • Energy flow between Ecological Levels

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Five Levels of Ecology Definition

Ecology studies various living organisms, their abiotic environment, and how organisms interact with each other and their environment. The ecology can be divided into five levels of ecology – organisms, population, community. ecosystem, and biosphere....

What are the Ecological Level of Organization?

Alexander Von Humboldt is famous as the “Father of Ecology”. Ecology comes from the Greek word “Oekologie” which consists of two parts- “Oikos” ( house or a place to live) and “Logos”( to study). Ernst Haeckel, a German scientist, gave the term “Ecology” in 1866....

Organisms/ Individuals

Definition: An organism is a living being with all the characteristics that are essential for the existence of life such as growth, development, capability to respond to any stimulus, reproduction etc....


Definition: Population means a group which consists of organisms of the same species that live in a particular geographical area at the same time and they compete with each other for the resources....


Defintion: Community refers to various populations that live in the same geographical area at the same time and they are dependent on each other for their survival which means these populations interact with each other....


Definition: An ecosystem refers to one or more communities which interact with their abiotic (non-living factors such as soil, wind, temperature, water etc) physical and chemical environment....


It is the largest or highest level of ecological organisation. Biosphere actually means collection of all the ecosystems that can be found on our Earth. It consists of the lithosphere or the outer part of our Earth, troposphere or the lowest layer of atmosphere and the hydrosphere or the entire water resource on our earth. In one word, biosphere refers to the region of Earth where life can be found....

What are the 5 Ecological Levels Interactions?

Ecological levels of interactions can be defined as how the organisms of the same species or different species interact with each other in a specific community. Interactions can be of different types-...

Energy Flow Between Ecological Levels

Energy flow means the flow of energy between different living organisms in an ecosystem. The flow of energy is unidirectional. It always occurs from the producers or green plants to the herbivores and from the herbivores, the energy flows to the carnivores. 10 % of energy is lost as heat in each tropic level. Energy flow between ecological levels is very important for maintaining ecological balance....

Conclusion – Five Levels of Ecology

Ecology is the study of various living organisms and how they interact with their environment. To study ecology more minutely, five main levels of ecological organisation have been introduced. These levels help us to know how various living organisms are dependent on each other and as well as to their environment....

FAQs on Five Levels of Ecology

Name the Seven Types of Ecology....

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