Popular Message Broker Technologies

Some popular message broker technologies widely used in the industry include:

  • Apache Kafka:
    • Kafka is a distributed handling platform that has a reputation for being able to handle high rates, is fault-tolerant, and tracks in real-time.
    • It is mainly used for building ETL processes, real-time data pipelines, event-triggered architecture, and streamwise within the applications.
  • RabbitMQ:
    • RabbitMQ messaging broker is a free software application that allows for non-blocking transmission of data and utilizes protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP.
    • The cloud computing service is widely known for being easy to use, reliable, and being flexible.
    • Microservice design, asynchronous communication, and IoT often require RabbitMQ as a messaging-as-a-service.
  • Apache ActiveMQ:
    • Servicing the Java Message Service (JMS), ActiveMQ is an open-source message broker.
    • It comes with deals like message queuing, publish-subscribe messaging, and message resilience.
    • The ActiveMQ is universal in Java-based applications with the same capacity of integration with other programming languages and platforms.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS):
    • SQS is a completely managed messaging queuing solution created and offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
    • It provides you with a message queuing service that is easily scalable, scalable, and highly available, one-click deployment through our admin experience.
    • SQS-asynchronous messaging service is good enough for cloud-native applications and provides smooth integration with other services of AWS.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub:
    • Pub/Sub is a service offered by Google Cloud Platform(GCP) for allowing independent applications to have scalable and reliable event-driven communication which makes the interaction of applications easy.
    • It is equipped with items like message queuing, instant messaging, and client callback as well as client pull and push subscriptions.
    • The Pub/sub philosophy is centered on the provision of high availability, low latency, and global scalability.

What are Message Brokers in System Design?

A message broker is a key architectural component responsible for facilitating communication and data exchange between different parts of a distributed system or between heterogeneous systems. It acts as an intermediary or middleware that receives messages from producers (senders) and delivers them to consumers (receivers) based on predefined routing rules and patterns.

Important Topics for Message Brokers in System Design

  • What are Message Brokers in System Design?
  • Importance of Message Brokers in System Design
  • Advantages of Message Brokers
  • Use Cases of Message Brokers
  • Types of Message Brokers
  • Popular Message Broker Technologies
  • Best practices for Message Brokers
  • Real-world examples
  • Differences between Message Brokers & Message Queues

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