Polynomial Regression

Polynomial regression is a type of regression analysis where the relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable is modeled as an nth-degree polynomial. Unlike simple or multiple linear regression, which assume a linear relationship between variables, polynomial regression can capture non-linear relationships between variables.

y=β0 ​+β1 ​x + β2 x2 +…+ βn ​ xn + ε


  • y is the dependent variable.
  • x is the independent variable.
  • x2, x3, …, xn are the polynomial terms, representing the square, cube, and higher-order terms of x.
  • β0 , β1 ​, … , βn are the coefficients, representing the effect of each polynomial term on y.
  • ε is the error term, representing the difference between the observed and predicted values of y.

Polynomial regression extends linear regression by considering polynomial terms of the independent variable.

  • Use the poly() function in R to generate polynomial terms.
  • Fit the model using lm() with polynomial terms included.
# Sample data
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(2, 4, 5, 4, 6)

# Fit polynomial regression model (e.g., quadratic)
model <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2))

# Summary of the model


lm(formula = y ~ poly(x, degree = 2))

1 2 3 4 5
-0.3143 0.4571 0.5143 -1.1429 0.4857

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.2000 0.4598 9.134 0.0118 *
poly(x, degree = 2)1 2.5298 1.0282 2.460 0.1330
poly(x, degree = 2)2 -0.5345 1.0282 -0.520 0.6550
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.028 on 2 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7597, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5195
F-statistic: 3.162 on 2 and 2 DF, p-value: 0.2403

This output is from a polynomial regression model fitted to data with one independent variable (x) and one dependent variable (y).

  • Residuals: Differences between observed and predicted values of y.
  • Coefficients: Estimates of intercept and polynomial terms (poly(x, degree = 2)).
    • Estimate: Coefficient values.
    • Std. Error: Standard errors.
    • t value: T-statistics for significance.
    • Pr(>|t|): P-values indicating significance.
  • Model Fit:
    • Residual standard error: Standard deviation of residuals.
    • Multiple R-squared: Approximately 75.97% of variance explained.
    • Adjusted R-squared: Adjusted for predictors.
    • F-statistic: Tests overall model significance.

How to proceed from Simple to Multiple and Polynomial Regression in R

Regression analysis allows us to understand how one or more independent variables relate to a dependent variable. Simple linear regression, which explores the relationship between two variables. Multiple linear regression extends this to include several predictors simultaneously. Finally, polynomial regression introduces flexibility by accommodating non-linear relationships in the R Programming Language.

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To proceed from simple to multiple and polynomial regression in R, begin with simple linear regression to understand the relationship between one independent variable and the dependent variable. Transition to multiple linear regression by incorporating additional independent variables for a more comprehensive analysis. If the relationship appears non-linear, consider polynomial regression by transforming the independent variable(s) into polynomial terms. Evaluate the goodness of fit and significance of each model using metrics like R-squared and p-values, then select the most appropriate model based on the complexity of the relationship and interpretability of results. This progressive approach enables a deeper understanding of variable relationships and enhances predictive accuracy....

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