Points to Remember about Log 4

Some of the most important points related to log 4 are:

  • Value of log 4 is 0.6021 (common logarithm).
  • Value of ln 4 is 1.3863 (natural logarithm).
  • Value of log4 4 is 1.

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Value of Log 4

Value of log⁡(4) is 1.3863 in base e (natural logarithm) and 0.6021 in base 10 (common logarithm). Logarithm is a mathematical function that expresses the power to which a base must be raised to produce a given number or we can say it is a different way to represent the exponent.

In this article, we will learn about the value of log 4 in different base such as 10, e, 3, and 2 and also learn about the methods from which we can find the value of log 4.

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